Erion Veliaj Behind Bars: Court Confirms Arrest as SPAK Unveils Corruption Scheme


The Special Court has released a photo of Erion Veliaj during his court hearing, showing him inside the defendants’ cage, accompanied by security forces. The Mayor of Tirana was arrested following an order from SPAK (Special Prosecution Against Corruption and Organized Crime) and is currently in pre-trial detention, facing charges of corruption, money laundering, and failure to declare assets.

SPAK: Veliaj and Ajola Xoxa’s Corrupt Financial Scheme

According to SPAK’s investigation, Veliaj and his wife, Ajola Xoxa, orchestrated a sophisticated financial scheme to embezzle public funds from the Municipality of Tirana. These funds were allegedly funneled into private accounts and businesses connected to the couple, used for real estate acquisitions, secret investments, and luxury expenses.

The investigation revealed that Ajola Xoxa spent over €850,000 on designer clothing and jewelry over four years, purchases that were never declared in official asset disclosures. Transactions were conducted through NGOs and businesses linked to Veliaj and Xoxa, creating a complex network for money laundering.

Court Confirms Arrest, Veliaj Moved to Pre-Trial Detention

After a lengthy court session, the Special Court confirmed the “arrest in prison” measure for Erion Veliaj, while changing the pre-trial measures for Ajola Xoxa to “mandatory court appearances” and “travel restrictions”. Following the ruling, Veliaj is set to be transferred to Durrës detention center, where former Health Minister Ilir Beqaj, another high-profile corruption suspect, is also being held.

The Corruption Scandal and Legal Consequences

SPAK’s case against Veliaj is considered one of the most significant corruption investigations in Albania’s local governance, involving construction firms, municipal funds, and close associates of the mayor. Investigators suggest that more high-ranking officials from the Municipality of Tirana may soon face prosecution.

Veliaj’s Legal Team Seeks Appeal

Veliaj’s legal team has announced plans to appeal the court’s decision, arguing that the arrest is politically motivated and lacks sufficient evidence to justify his continued detention.

As investigations progress, Erion Veliaj’s case marks a turning point in Albania’s fight against corruption. With substantial evidence presented by SPAK and the court affirming the charges, this trial is expected to impact the political and public administration landscape significantly.

Artikulli i mëparshëmErion Veliaj në kafaz: Publikohet foto nga seanca gjyqësore, SPAK zbulon skemën e korrupsionit
Artikulli i radhësVeliaj sulmon SPAK-un nga qelia: Një mbrojtje e dëshpëruar apo përpjekje për manipulim?